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How to Protect Your Home’s Exterior During Roof Replacement?

Date: March 20, 2024

As you look forward to a future roof replacement, anticipating a successful outcome is natural. However, it's essential to be well-prepared and informed about what to expect during this process. Roof replacements involve a lot of debris, waste, and nails from the torn-off roof, posing potential risks to your property. Therefore, knowing how to protect your home's exterior is crucial to ensuring the project's completion and success. 

Here are some essential ways to safeguard your property during this project.

protect your home's exterior during roof replacement by placing net covers or tarps

Ways to Protect Your Home’s Exterior During a Roof Replacement:

1. Tarping

Tarping is a proactive and practical approach that safeguards your home's exterior and streamlines the roofing process, ensuring efficiency and minimizing potential risks and inconveniences.

Tarping serves as a crucial protective measure during roof replacement projects, safeguarding your siding from potential damage while ensuring your home's exterior remains intact. By strategically placing tarps over vulnerable areas, such as windows, walls, and landscaping, you create a barrier that shields against falling debris, stray nails, and other hazards associated with roofing work.

Beyond mere protection, tarping also facilitates the smooth flow of the replacement process. As the old roof is removed and the new one installed, tarps provide a surface upon which debris can easily slide off, preventing it from accumulating on your property or harming surrounding structures. This not only maintains the cleanliness and safety of your premises but also expedites the cleanup phase once the project is complete.

Putting taps on plants to avoid any damage during roof replacement

2. Laying Wooden Boards

In addition to tarping, laying wooden boards angled against your home's exterior is another effective method of safeguarding your property during roof replacement. You create a sturdy barrier that deflects falling debris away from these vulnerable features by strategically placing these boards along walls, particularly near areas with delicate landscaping such as plants, bushes, and flowers.

Moreover, the angled placement of the boards encourages debris to slide off smoothly, directing it away from your home and landscaping. This proactive measure minimizes the risk of damage and contributes to a more efficient cleanup process once the roof replacement is complete.

Areas You Should Cover and Protect During Roof Replacement:

Knowing which areas or items on your property need to be covered during a roof replacement is essential. Taking these protective steps will ensure that your property remains safe from damage or contamination and that the entire roofing process runs smoothly. By investing a bit of effort in comprehensive protection, you are providing your home and belongings with a shield against any potential mishaps. This will pay off big time in terms of peace of mind and a hassle-free roofing experience.

1. Cover Your HVAC

Your HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system needs protection from falling debris during roof replacement. However, if your roofing contractor lacks creativity and simply places a wooden board over the HVAC unit, as is sometimes done, it could inadvertently obstruct airflow and undermine its effectiveness. Instead, opt for a more comprehensive approach. Consider using specialized HVAC covers designed to shield the system from debris while allowing proper ventilation. These covers ensure uninterrupted airflow, safeguarding your HVAC system's efficiency and longevity throughout the roofing process.

2. Cover Your Pool

If you have a pool on your property, it requires thorough protection during roof replacement to prevent debris from contaminating the water. Your roofing contractor should cover the entire pool with a new, fresh out from the wrapper tarp to ensure maximum protection. Using a fresh tarp is crucial, as older ones may have tears or imperfections that allow debris, particularly fiberglass from torn-off shingles, to seep into the water. 

By employing a new tarp, you effectively shield your pool from contamination, preserving its cleanliness throughout the roofing project.

3. Move Everything off Your Patio or Deck

Clearing your patio or deck of all furniture, lights, planters, and other items is essential to prevent damage during roof replacement. Even lightweight objects can become projectiles in windy conditions or may suffer damage from falling debris. 

By relocating everything off these outdoor spaces, you can minimize the risk of expensive damages and ensure a secure work environment for the roofing team. This proactive measure significantly reduces the chances of tools, equipment, or materials accidentally harming your belongings during the roof replacement process.

Moreover, clearing these areas will streamline the roofing process, providing contractors with ample space to work efficiently without obstruction. This facilitates smoother workflow and enhances safety on the job site, as it reduces the likelihood of accidents or injuries resulting from cluttered surroundings. Therefore, taking the time to prepare outdoor spaces by relocating items protects your property and contributes to a more seamless and productive roof replacement project.

4. Cover Your Attic

Protecting your attic space is crucial during roof replacement to prevent debris from entering and causing potential damage or contamination. Depending on your attic's layout and your preferences, you have several options for safeguarding this area. 

One approach is to cover the ceilings with plastic sheeting, creating a tent-like enclosure that shields against falling debris while still allowing for ventilation. Alternatively, you can lay tarps or plastic over any exposed surfaces or belongings in the attic. 

If your property lacks an attic space or if you're unconcerned about its contents, this protective measure may not be necessary for your roof replacement project. However, for those with an attic, ensuring its protection is integral to maintaining the integrity of your home during the roofing process.

Attic full of boxes and homeowner's belongings


Investing in effective strategies to safeguard your home's exterior during roof replacement isn't just about practicality; it also reflects responsible homeownership and long-term asset management. By ensuring the protection of your property, you demonstrate an understanding of its value and the importance of its preservation. 

Additionally, communication with your roofing contractor is paramount to ensuring the protection of your home exterior and property during roof replacement. Clear and effective communication enables you to convey any concerns or specific needs you may have regarding the protection of your property. By discussing these matters with your contractor, you can collaborate on strategies to minimize potential damage and ensure that necessary precautions are taken.

137 Wisconsin Ave
Waukesha WI 53186
(262) 226-9451
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